Dr. Jerome Stokes serves as Senior Pastor and Chief Executive Officer of The Church of the Redeemed of the Lord (CRL) in Baltimore, Maryland. CRL is a ministry providing its congregants and community with operational programs, services, and courses of instruction for the development of the total person. In his executive capacities, Dr. Stokes oversees more than 40 operational components including a day staff and associate pastors. Through a successful 35-year tenure, he developed and implemented strategic business plans, allowing the ministry to meet the needs of the community, empower individuals, and change lives. He began his pastorate in 1985, with twelve members and led the ministry to a current active and lively membership. Furthermore, Dr. Stokes has excelled in creating both the structure and team necessary to guide the ministry through the turbulence and uncertainty of this dramatic growth.
He serves as senior pastor for a large staff of elders, ministers, and associate pastors, with several entering the Pastorate and establishing ministries to further extend his God-given vision. Under his leadership, the ministry continues to offer essential services to the community, free of charge.
Dr. Stokes is an author of several books, including God’s Vision, Your Decision, You Can Do It, I Know Who I Am (the 52 Chapter Book and Companion Study Guide designed to help believers understand who they are in Christ), and (his latest) I Refuse. He broadcasts locally and internationally, reaching millions via The Lamp of Victory radio program – including weekly broadcasts in Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Antigua, and Grenada.
In addition to his dedication to CRL, Dr. Stokes’ commitment to education is evident. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Morgan State University, completed graduate studies with The International Bible Institute and Seminary and the St. Mary’s Seminary, received a Master of Biblical Theology Degree in 1985, a Doctor of Ministry Degree in 1987, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry in 1990.
Dr. Stokes is married to Marsha Charity Stokes, an ordained elder serving faithfully to support him in ministry, and the loving father of two. He is a senior pastor and CEO who empowers others to succeed. He serves the Lord with sincerity and love, is known as a well-organized spiritual leader, and stresses decency and order in every area of life and ministry.
Lady Marsha Stokes is the wife of Dr. Jerome Stokes and an ordained Elder. In 1985 she, along with her husband, founded The Church of the Redeemed of the Lord (CRL). Today, CRL is a thriving, multi-cultural ministry of more than 7,000 members. This church has been recognized for its excellence in service to God’s people and its vibrant worship services. In addition to its weekly services, CRL has established over 40 ministries with many of these being outreach ministries that extend to inner-city families, the incarcerated, the hungry, the homeless, and the elderly.
The great work of CRL is, in part, a direct result of Sis. Marsha’s sincere love for the Lord and His people. She views herself as a fellow-laborer in Christ and diligently assists and supports her husband in ministry. She established the Lamp of Victory media production ministries and bookstore, and is the executive producer of the international Lamp of Victory radio and television programs, which airs locally, across the United States, and in parts of the Caribbean.
Lady Stokes is a Bible teacher, exhorter, motivator, and counselor. Her primary ministry is to her husband, then to the saints. Her ministry focus is to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God, personally as well as corporately. As an instructor in Christian Education, she communicates the Word of God with sincerity and practical application. She has designed and teaches courses such as How To Study The Bible, Christian Love, Highest Life-Spiritual Growth and Development, and The Virtuous Womanhood Program (designed for the spiritual and natural development of the total woman). In 1992 Lady Marsha Stokes earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Education from International Seminary in Orlando, Florida and is currently pursuing a Master of Biblical Studies in Biblical Literature from the Master’s Divinity School. Her passion for Christ keeps her actively engaged in ministry, and ever pursuing excellence in every area of her life.


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